It is always better to go for the organic pest control methods rather than the chemicals as they cause very less damage to the environment. There are several natural pest control treatments which are actually available in the market which provide effective results. If you go with the right preparations you might not need to go beyond the first levels of defense systems.
The first and foremost step to be followed in controlling the pest is by creating the best hospitable growing environment for the plants. When you are able to maintain a healthy garden, it would be safe as it would contain the beneficial insects which would actually act as pest control. Before opting for a pest control system make sure to figure out the offending pest and make sure to target control method which would affect just that.

Following are the various organic options which you can find:
• Microbial insecticides: These are specific for targeted pests as they make the pests sick and don’t harm other insects which are beneficial. Bacillus thuringiensis is one of the most commonly used pests which can be used when you need to treat worm larvae from cutworms, Hornworms or the cabbage loopers. It is a very effective treatment which would kill the pests.
• Insecticidal oils: These oils actually create a suffocating environment for the pests. The oils actually cover the pests and prevent them from receiving oxygen. This is most widely used to kill the immature stages of the insects along with the eggs. Though these oils are less toxic these might affect the beneficial insects as well. As these oils can also damage your plants, especially the leaves make sure to read directions which have been mentioned over the packing before you use.
• Diatomaceous earth: It is actually made out of fossilized silica shells of the algae. These are actually covered with sharp projections which would cut and penetrate into the cuticle of the insect though they are microscopic. Thus, insects would leak fluids and get dehydrated and die. It is not a poison. • Insect soaps: The soaps which are made out of salts and fatty acids target the earwigs, scales, Thrips and more. This soap actually penetrates into the outer shell of these insects and will damage the cell membrane. As these are toxic even for beneficial insects make sure to try over a small area and use sparingly as needed.